
Why Does God Allow Wild Animals To Eat Each Other Alive?

Question: When did animals change from eating vegetation to hunting and consuming meat? Did God cause this change or was information technology someone else?

Answer: There are two major classes of animals that swallow meat. The first, called omnivores (due east.g. bears), alive off a mix of both flesh and constitute based food sources. The second course of animals, chosen carnivores (due east.1000. lions, tigers, snakes, etc.), solely or primarily eat flesh equally the main part of their diet.

Scripture clearly states that God did not require animals (and fifty-fifty humans) to ingest meat as office of their diets. All living things were allowable to eat simply constitute-based foods for their daily sustenance (Genesis 1:29 - thirty).

God did not create beasts to be predators and eat each other. He did not create beasts that needed to hunt down, kill, tear up and devour their fellow creatures. He brought everything into existence in a state of perfection. This perfection is based on his mode of life, which is founded on selfless love for others (1John iv:viii). In the Garden of Eden he states that everything brought into being was "exceedingly good" (Genesis 1:31).

Collage of Lion, Snake, Tiger and Bear

Lion, ophidian, tiger, acquit attacking balderdash

Bronze sculptures by Antoine-Louis Barye

This perfection manifested itself when, before sin entered the world, Adam was blessed with the job of naming all state-based creatures including birds (Genesis 2:19). There is no indication that any lion, acquit, or other present day carnivores tried to attack or kill him during this process. All life was gentle and docile.

What, and then, caused a monumental alter in the nature of many animals such that they added eating meat to their nutrition? How did creatures, originally peaceful, become predatory? Two major factors led to this radical departure from what was originally intended.

When Adam and Eve sinned by taking from the tree of practiced and evil, they rejected trusting in God and replaced information technology with believing in Satan's (and their ain) deceptions. This sin brought with information technology manifold consequences that afflicted not only the concrete globe (due east.g. animals) but as well the spiritual one.

The commencement humans, from the moment they disobeyed, began to decline, ultimately leading to their death (Genesis ii:17, 3:3). Their sin also condemned all humans to dice likewise (Romans 5:12, 1Corinthians 15:21 - 22). Additionally, information technology introduced curses into all animals (Genesis 3:fourteen) and even the plant world (3:17 - 19, 5:29).

The 2nd factor that also led to some beasts (and even some plants) eating meat is Satan himself. The rebellion of our commencement parents allowed the devil, as a god or prince, to dominion over the earth and pervert all things within it (John 12:31, 14:xxx, 16:11, Ephesians ii:ii, 6:12, etc.).

The influence of our adversary'south competitive manner of life, coupled with his consummate willingness to kill at any time (see John 8:44, Revelation 12:1 - iv), has permeated the instinct of many living things like animals.

A Restoration of Peace

Biblical prophecies indicate that the present predatory nature of animals, and their desire to eat meat, will exist removed during the millennial reign of Christ. The prophet Isaiah specifically mentions that the wolf, leopard, lion and bear will soon return to beingness herbivores (consuming solely constitute-based food). Even humans and vipers (the KJV calls them cockatrices) will coexist in harmony (Isaiah xi:6 - 8)!


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